Healing Earth Moor





Beitrag zum Thema

“Bergbau und Religion” für

den 6. Internationalen


Kongress Schwaz/Tirol,

Österreich, 2007.


(A discourse on Mining and Religion, delivered at this Mining Congress in Schwaz, published in the book, BERGBAU UND RELIGION, Wolfgang Ingenhaeff * Johann Bair (Editors), Berenkamp, Innsbruck, Wien, © 2008, pp. 7, 8, 221-231, 355.) Paul’s discourse, also separately available from CELIFODINA. (Gedenkausgabe/Memorial

Edition 2009, IN MEMORIAM dedicated to Martin Albrecht Sen., miner and “rock oil burner”, founder of the Tyrolian Rock Oil Works (1902), who later lost his eyesight in a tragic explosion, and to his lovingly caring sister-in-law, the legendary “Stoanöl-Liesl” in sincere appreciation.)

41 pages, illustrated.

Size: 5 ½” x 8 ½”

Price: $15




